First Visit
We know that first visits to the dentist can be intimidating, but not at Cuivre Creek Pediatric Dentistry. The biggest thing you can do for your child is to keep a positive attitude about the dentist. Avoid putting any scary, preconceived thoughts into their head. The first appointment will consist of:
New patient paperwork (health history, financial information, etc.)
Click HERE to download the new patient forms. Please fill these out and bring them completed to the first appointment.
Radiographs (if deemed necessary by Dr. Casey)
A cleaning, which may only consist of toothbrushing for very young patients
Examination by Dr. Casey to identify any cavities, bite problems, eruption abnormalities, or pathologies
Discussion about treatment options, if further treatment is needed
Fluoride application to help prevent cavities (if approved by parents)
Picking out toys for doing a great job!
Return Visits
If a second appointment is needed to have work completed, no worries! Don’t feel guilty if your child has cavities, as cavities are extremely common and often involve risk factors out of your control. The biggest tip we can give, is don’t try to prepare your child ahead of time. Dr. Casey will walk them through every procedure so there are no surprises! Many children do wonderful for these appointments, and many do not even realize they have had local anesthesia “sleepy water.” Lots of praise and reward is the best thing you can do for these appointments!